Advocacy Programs
The Southwest Crisis Center provides a wide variety of support and information to victims and survivors of sexual assault in Cottonwood, Jackson, Nobles, Pipestone, and Rock Counties in Southwestern Minnesota. Our services are victim-centered, which means you will guide your own process, make your own decisions, and can count on us for information, support, and referral.
Available Services
We provide a safe, confidential place to talk and ask questions.
Safe Housing
We provide short term safe housing through hotels for those who are not safe at home; provide referrals and transportation to shelters.
Transportation Assistance
We assist with transportation for qualifying clients.
Medical Advocacy
We support during emergency care or a sexual assault exam; advocacy with medical personnel.
Personal Advocacy
We provide emotional support, encouragement, and referrals.
Safety Planning
We help make a plan of action to be prepared in any situation.
Criminal Justice Advocacy
We support before, during, and after court proceedings, with law enforcement, and with attorneys; assistance with reparations applications.
Safe at Home
We assist in filing an application for the Safe at Home confidential address program for those who fear for their safety.
Interpretive Services
We have in house bilingual staff, language line, and interpreters.
Civil Legal Advocacy
We help file an order for protection or a harassment restraining order.
Emergency Financial Support
We provide emergency funds for qualifying clients.
Call one of our offices to set up an appointment with an advocate today