On January 16, 2020, the Southwest Crisis Center hosted the Labor Trafficking Dynamics in Midwest Rural Communities. This one-day, applied skills-based conference was aimed at equipping multidisciplinary partners, systems professionals, and community members with resources for understanding the dynamics, identifying victims and building the local system's response to labor trafficking.
The conference included presentations and resources from several local and national experts. Click here for a full agenda and here for presenter bios.
Over 100 professionals from across the region participated. Presenters shared many valuable handouts and resources. We were able to record three of the sessions below. We encourage you to view and share these videos and resources widely.
Overview of Human Trafficking: Focus on Labor Trafficking in Rural Areas
Madeline Lohman, Senior Researcher with The Advocates for Human Rights
“Trafficked in America”
Andrés Cediel, Co-writer and producer of Trafficked in America, and Professor of Visual Journalism, UC Berkley Graduate School of Journalism
Panel Discussion: Community Response to Labor Trafficking & Available Resources
Moderator: Allan Bakke
For questions about the conference or resources, please contact Allan Bakke, allan@mnswcc.org.
This Conference is produced by the Southwest Crisis Center under 2016-MU-MU-K153, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Conference are those of the contributors and do not reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.